cannabis fitness
code green
Working with CODE Green 
in both 
Emergency & Therapeutic Contexts
                                                  What movie would you watch on your deathbed?

For me it's hard to say, I've so many favorites. 2001: A Space Odyssey would certainly make for an appropriate, and likely very surreal, farewell. No doubt Forbidden Planet  would for my tastes provide an interesting otherworldly send-off. 

All things considered however, I might rather prefer lighter fare, such as Monty Python and the Holy Grail...or Young Frankenstein...or perhaps The Great Race, thus allowing the medicine of laughter to help mitigate any residual pain. Of course, given the choice, only time will tell which favorite or combination thereof will ease my bon voyage. 

In any case, during this particular CODE Green, which I knew full well would merely be a simulation of dying (however real it would feel at the time), my choice would be Tron: Legacy, the perfect selection given that my then-21 year-old son would join in the watching (but NOT the CODE Green, though I did alert him of my blunder).

Now, sparing you the details, I will just say the evening was very interesting and enlightening to say the expected, the movie was indeed the perfect choice, pleasing to the senses and stimulating to the mind; by the end of it my body turned to stone and I barely made it to bed. As I hit the sack, I was indeed convinced this was it. Yet before I crashed into oblivion, I had just enough energy to jot some notes and give fond farewells to loved ones. My last scribbled words (written at 11:01pm): "I'm off..."